There is Peace in the Silence.

I Am Peace Watercolor Card

 I guess it took a pandemic to catapult me back into my writing sweet spot. Because of several unexpected circumstances over the last two years, my writing had to take a back seat to other more pressing matters. But writing is and always will be a part of me. It’s who I am, and how I deal with the emotions of everyday life. Even when I wasn’t physically in my “writing chair,” I garnered any opportunity to jot thoughts, feelings, words,  phrases, and even doodles that help to express the momentary surge of creative ideas. Picking up the pen, whether literally or figuratively, silenced the outside world around me and breathed life into the blank paper before me. It was my little slice of peace.

Now, the world is silenced like never before: The roads eerily quiet without their travelers, and the airports and travel destinations desolate and longing for visitors.  The schools heart brokenly empty without their students and staff. Musical concerts and sporting events put on indefinite hold. Celebrations of life and love paused, and the end of a beautiful life held in isolation with tears from afar.  Yes, the world is silenced like never before! A momentary time out, yet in this silence there is an opportunity to rethink our “normal,” to heal.

For in this new normal, silence has given our Earth a chance to recapture its beauty and to regenerate its resources. Families are finding one another once again; daily family dinners that were once a glimpse of life past, made a resurgence. Quality time spent talking, real conversations without the interference of technology are happening. Laughter on the sidewalks and streets as kids play once again with one another until the streetlights gleam are a common occurrence. Neighbors chatting with one another, of course within the six feet boundary and offering assistance if needed are seen throughout neighborhoods everywhere. Teens stepping up and helping out where needed, at home or in their communities. They are stronger, more resilient then they knew.

The silence has inhaled new breath. Amidst all the uncertainty and chaos, Mother Nature has spoken. She has given us our little slice of peace in the silence. I urge you to use it to fuel lasting change, create new memories and traditions. But most of all, find the gratitude in your daily existence, and immerse yourself in the silence because that is where you will find your peace.

Be well!



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