Grumpy Claus is Newsworthy

It’s not an everyday occurrence that your local community newspaper runs an article on you, but thanks to Thomas Kelly from Grumpy Claus is newsworthy. Just in time for the holiday season, Grumpy Claus is a sweet story that is very relatable to both kids and adults alike. Even someone as famous as Santa Claus can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and feel grumpy! Everyone at the North Pole noticed that Santa was just not himself. He’s NO-NO-NOing instead of HO-HO-HOing. The big guy in the red suit is just not feeling appreciated this Christmas, but thanks to Mrs. Claus and the North Pole team, their plan to save Christmas and help Santa feel the love worked.

This story was inspired by a young boy I noticed one Christmas who was standing in line waiting to tell Santa all his secrets, (boy do I wish I was a fly on the wall to hear that conversation!). He definitely DID NOT LOOK HAPPY. He was a total grump. Standing with his arms crossed around his chest, displaying a scowl of all scowls on his face, and noticeably distancing himself from all the other kids waiting in line, this boy was not in the holiday mood. I mean, I – Can – Totally – Relate! The holidays can be stressful for everyone at times. The image of this boy resonated with me and it made me think…does Santa ever feel unappreciated and get grumpy? Voila, a new idea was born. This creative thought was first entered in a holiday writing contest that Susanna Leonard Hill runs yearly. At the time, it did not win any awards or garner accolades, BUT it did motivate me to turn this idea into a humourous story for kids. Consider adding this book to your holiday collection, or just purchase a copy or two for all the grumps in your life, or perhaps purchase a copy just because you are feeling a bit grumpy this holiday season and need a reason to giggle. Grumpy Claus can be purchased on Amazon