

At last, I can joyfully announce that my first picture book is now published. My journey was long, and I encountered many obstacles, but I finally made it happen! Publishing is certainly not for the impatient. And I’ve learned that temperance and perseverance must be your best friends.

Swish – Swirl – Swoosh is available for pre-order at Amazon https://a.co/d/aotOcMS


Barnes & Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/swish-swirl-swoosh-tracy-conti-potash/1142936532?ean=9781088083703.

A million and one thanks for all your support! Tracy Conti Potash


Twenty-Five Years Go by in a BLINK!

It’s truly difficult to fathom but I, Tracy Conti Potash – yes that’s me – TCP is officially in the next chapter of my life. Just like that…twenty-five years of educating children and young adults, complete, done, over, finished! I can now profess that I am a RETIREE. Wow, it really does go by in a blink.

In the months leading up to THE DATE, everything seemed to move in slow motion. My twenty-minute drive to work was almost like a work of art. The colors were more vibrant, the winding roads seemed like a journey to nowhere, and the sky almost felt like a comforting blanket draped over me. I will admit that initially, my emotions were a muddled mess. I wasn’t sure how to feel exactly. But all that did change, and that “new chapter” was becoming very exciting! While I will terribly miss the connections with all the kiddos, I will also miss seeing the smiling faces of all my wonderful colleagues, listening to their grunts and groans, and laughing at all our crazy antics! To ALL OF YOU, I say, “Thank you” for being a wonderful part of my twenty-five-year journey. I never believed in coincidences, so I know our paths were meant to entwine. Some of you were in my life for a reason, a season, and some for a lifetime! I thank you all. Ending something is never easy, BUT I just know…chapter 2 is going to be amazing! My goal for the future is to use my gifts in other ways and to always channel my passions and energy into something new to inspire and challenge children and educators.

SO…I am – over – the – moon – excited to announce that my new chapter will be…Published Author! A writer of picture books. My first book will be released soon. The title is SWISH – SWIRL -SWOOSH, and it is all about how The Gusty Wind finally meets his match. So get ready to twirl and whirl, swish and swirl in this lyrical story about a little boy who uses the gusty wind’s power as his transportation to make his dreams of adventure come true. Together they relish leaping into haystacks, yahooing it up on galloping stallions, walking the plank with Yo-Hoing pirates, and swimming with dolphins long into the dark, dark night. And, it’s all because the Gusty Wind and the Little Boy share something in common – Their love of ADVENTURE! The boy and the wind venture from farms to deserts to vast oceans, then back home where the boy snuggles back into bed, dreaming of what tomorrow’s wind will bring. After all, “There’s No Place Like Home!”

Stay tuned for more information 😊


There is Peace in the Silence.

I Am Peace Watercolor Card

 I guess it took a pandemic to catapult me back into my writing sweet spot. Because of several unexpected circumstances over the last two years, my writing had to take a back seat to other more pressing matters. But writing is and always will be a part of me. It’s who I am, and how I deal with the emotions of everyday life. Even when I wasn’t physically in my “writing chair,” I garnered any opportunity to jot thoughts, feelings, words,  phrases, and even doodles that help to express the momentary surge of creative ideas. Picking up the pen, whether literally or figuratively, silenced the outside world around me and breathed life into the blank paper before me. It was my little slice of peace.

Now, the world is silenced like never before: The roads eerily quiet without their travelers, and the airports and travel destinations desolate and longing for visitors.  The schools heart brokenly empty without their students and staff. Musical concerts and sporting events put on indefinite hold. Celebrations of life and love paused, and the end of a beautiful life held in isolation with tears from afar.  Yes, the world is silenced like never before! A momentary time out, yet in this silence there is an opportunity to rethink our “normal,” to heal.

For in this new normal, silence has given our Earth a chance to recapture its beauty and to regenerate its resources. Families are finding one another once again; daily family dinners that were once a glimpse of life past, made a resurgence. Quality time spent talking, real conversations without the interference of technology are happening. Laughter on the sidewalks and streets as kids play once again with one another until the streetlights gleam are a common occurrence. Neighbors chatting with one another, of course within the six feet boundary and offering assistance if needed are seen throughout neighborhoods everywhere. Teens stepping up and helping out where needed, at home or in their communities. They are stronger, more resilient then they knew.

The silence has inhaled new breath. Amidst all the uncertainty and chaos, Mother Nature has spoken. She has given us our little slice of peace in the silence. I urge you to use it to fuel lasting change, create new memories and traditions. But most of all, find the gratitude in your daily existence, and immerse yourself in the silence because that is where you will find your peace.

Be well!




Return to Coney Island

My apologies to everyone because this post is dreadfully overdue. Back in August, yes I did say August, Vivian Kirkfield invited author Melissa Stoller as her guest. In case you’ve been living under a rock and you’re not familiar with Vivian Kirkfield, she is an author and champion in the KitLit Community.  Each week on her blog, here, Picture Books Help Kids Soar, Vivian interviews a Picture Book Author and in exchange, the author Will Write for Cookies, or some other concotion of tasty delights to tempt your tastebuds. And if the readers are lucky, there will be a giveaway as well.  The Universe smiled and the stars were on my side, so fortunately for me – yahooie, I was one of those lucky winners that received a copy of author Melissa Stoller first Chapter Book, Return to Coney Island.

I first met Melissa as a classmate in Susanna Leonard Hill’s Making Picture Book Magic Class, here. We became immediate friends and formed a posse of three others which later became our own critique group. Since then, Melissa has gone on to publishing her first picture book, due out in 2018 and her chapter book series, The Enchanted Snow Globe Collection, of which Return to Coney Island is the first in the series. This is a sweet intergenerational chapter book that weaves curiosity, a little magic, adventure, time travel and the love of family together. Snow globes have always had a mysterious quality to them – capturing one moment in time – and Melissa captures that in her story. A great read for both kids and adults alike. Any time spent with your grandparents is always special. This weekend, Emma and Jack had no idea just how special it would be. “Let’s Read it Again,” is what you’ll hear. Return to Coney Island is a wonderful addition to any home library or school classroom. I loved it and so will you.  If you’d like to learn more about this fabulous author and all around wonderful person, you can connect with her at https://www.melissastoller.com/blog


SSS Activity Book Video – Come Learn With US!

  • Scholastic Choices Magazine Teacher Advisor
  • Choices Idea Book Contributor: Kindness Quest Click here
  • Choices Idea Book Contributor: Text Mapping Click here    
  • Choices Idea Book Contributor: A Reading and Writing Lesson That Inspired The Whole Class click here and click here

Grumpy Claus is Newsworthy

It’s not an everyday occurrence that your local community newspaper runs an article on you, but thanks to Thomas Kelly from https://www.communitynews.org/towns/hamilton-post/ Grumpy Claus is newsworthy. Just in time for the holiday season, Grumpy Claus is a sweet story that is very relatable to both kids and adults alike. Even someone as famous as Santa Claus can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and feel grumpy! Everyone at the North Pole noticed that Santa was just not himself. He’s NO-NO-NOing instead of HO-HO-HOing. The big guy in the red suit is just not feeling appreciated this Christmas, but thanks to Mrs. Claus and the North Pole team, their plan to save Christmas and help Santa feel the love worked.

This story was inspired by a young boy I noticed one Christmas who was standing in line waiting to tell Santa all his secrets, (boy do I wish I was a fly on the wall to hear that conversation!). He definitely DID NOT LOOK HAPPY. He was a total grump. Standing with his arms crossed around his chest, displaying a scowl of all scowls on his face, and noticeably distancing himself from all the other kids waiting in line, this boy was not in the holiday mood. I mean, I – Can – Totally – Relate! The holidays can be stressful for everyone at times. The image of this boy resonated with me and it made me think…does Santa ever feel unappreciated and get grumpy? Voila, a new idea was born. This creative thought was first entered in a holiday writing contest that Susanna Leonard Hill runs yearly. At the time, it did not win any awards or garner accolades, BUT it did motivate me to turn this idea into a humourous story for kids. Consider adding this book to your holiday collection, or just purchase a copy or two for all the grumps in your life, or perhaps purchase a copy just because you are feeling a bit grumpy this holiday season and need a reason to giggle. Grumpy Claus can be purchased on Amazon https://a.co/d/g24WRhP

Children’s Author Festival @ The Hamilton Township Public Library

A lovely day at the Hamilton Township Public Library https://hamiltonnjpl.org/ Children’s Author Festival l with fellow authors and singer/songwriters:

Jenny Hoh https://www.instagram.com/jenniferannhoh/, Tim Hoh’s Music for Kids https://youtu.be/1HyVqBtDMJ8, Eric Whitehead https://www.facebook.com/eric.whitehead.731, MaryLouise Alu Curto. https://www.linkedin.com/in/marylouise-alu-curto-8a19655a/

What a wonderful turnout at the Hamilton Township Public Library’s Children’s Author Festival On April 15, 2023. Thank you all for joining us! AND a BIG thank you to Head Librarian, Colleen Affrime.

Book Donations: Swish! Swirl! Swoosh!